Monday, September 30, 2019

Conference Management

Abstract This project aims to create a common platform for organizing activities of conference. The conference management system will manage the abstracts and research papers submitted by scholars, reviewing them, and accepting or rejecting them. This will greatly reduce the costs and efforts of the conference managers and authors where they can directly interact through internet. Currently there is a need for such a conference management system, where research conferences relating to different fields can be managed by single application. This application can host any number of conferences and large number of paper can be submitted.The environment created would enhance the usability of conference’s thereby facilitating the researcher’s to submit their papers easily and making organizers to manage the research’s by forwarding it to the jury and taking their reviews. This would reduce a lot of effort. It would also eliminate the need to have expertise on employing people for managing all such activities. It would smooth the progress of conference management and all the activities will take place in well-defined manner. Table of Contents Page No. RecommendationI Dissertation Approval Sheet II Candidate DeclarationIIIAcknowledgementIV AbstractV Chapter 1 Introduction 1. 1 Overview and issues involved01 1. 2 Problem definition 01 1. 3Problem Solution 01 Chapter-2 Literature Survey 2. 1 Methodology 03 2. 2 Technologies and tools 04 Chapter-3 Requirements gathering 3. 1 Software requirements 08 3. 2 Hardware requirements 98 3. 3 Use case model 10 Chapter-4 Analysis 4. 1 Sequence diagrams 18 4. 2 Activity diagrams 22 Chapter-5 Design 5. 1 Technology selection 25 5. 2 Database design 28 5. 3 Implementation details Chapter-6 Testing 6. 1Test case and design30 6. 2Testing methods and strategies31Conclusion 37 Bibliography38 Chapter-1 Introduction This conference management tool aims at improving the conference management practices and reduces the burd en on the part of organizers, and provides the technical solution for the research paper submission and reviews. 1. 1 Overview and Issues Involved There are large numbers of conferences being taking place at different locations all over the world, we have seen researchers and eminent educationist submit their research papers at these conferences, they generally have to send the research paper through post and it takes a lot of time.This project is focused towards developing a management system that will cater to the needs of the conference organizers. 1. 2 Problem Definition In the present scenario, the conference organizers face a lot of problems in coordinating various activities that are associated with conference. This increases a lot of effort and needs a lot of expertise and large numbers of people are required to manage all the process. This definitely is not an easy task. There is a lot of trouble involved in submitting a research paper to a conference and then sending it to a jury, for review and their comments.To speed up this process of conference management was our main focus in this project. 1. 3 Problem Solution This project will be a fine demonstration of efficient use of technology and engineering in the web- application development field. This will cut down the organizing and maintenance cost of conference’s and will also reduce the efforts of author to send their research papers through post. This is done through creation of a conference management application that would assist the organizers to run their conference effectively.Our software product ‘conference management system’ is designed and developed to provide the rigid solution for the handling of conferences. We have designed an interface that will provide the platform for the researchers and educationist to submit their research papers online and it will be forwarded to jury for their review and comments. The system will help the user’s to create new confere nce by providing the information of the conference and the request will be forwarded to the administrator for validation.The administrator can accept or reject the conference request and he will have to authority to delete the author if he is found doing illegal activity on the system. The chair of the conference will add the program committee members to review the papers submitted in that conference. The chair can check the details of the paper submitted in the conference installed by him. The program committee member will be reviewing the conference for which he is selected by the chair to review the conference. The program committee can download the research paper for reading it so it can be reviewed in a better manner. . 1 Methodology To operate this software in a best possible way, the user should have some knowledge of accessing internet and navigating the internet through any browser. He should be aware of how conferences are hosted and the working of organization that hostâ €™s the conference i. e. from submitting of paper, forwarding it to the jury, and then finalizing selected research papers. 1 System Interfaces As our system is completely an independent system in itself thus it does not require any external API or any interface for interaction with any other system.It only interacts with the administrator and author’s, but not with any other software component. 2 Interfaces Our system will interact with the user only through the well defined graphical user interface. Client server architecture will be required for supporting the application. Client Server Architecture A server is anything that has some resource that can be shared. There are Computer servers, which provide computing power; print servers, which manage a collection of printers; disk servers, which provide networked disk space; and web servers, which store web pages.A client is simply any other entity that wants to gain access to a particular server. The interaction between client and server is just like the interaction between a lamp and an electrical socket. The power grid of the house is the server, and the lamp is a power client. The server is a permanently available resource, while the client is free to â€Å"unplug† after it is has been served. [pic] Fig 2. 1 Client-Server Architecture 2. 2 Technologies and Tools NetBeans NetBeans refer to both a platform framework for java desktop applications,and an integrated development environment(IDE).The NetBeans IDE is written in Java and can run anywhere a compatible JVM is installed, including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, etc. The NetBeans platform allows application to be developed from a set of modular software components called modules. The NetBeans Platform is a reusable framework for simplifying the development of Java Swing desktop applications. Among the features of the platform are: †¢ User interface management (e. g. menus, toolbars) †¢ User settings management †¢ Storage manag ement (saving and loading any kind of data) †¢ Window management Wizard framework (supports step-by-step dialogs) †¢ NetBeans Visual Library †¢ Integrated development Tools Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software that provides both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites and designs for the desktop, smart phones, tablets, and other devices. It is a site building and publishing tool appropriate for intermediate to advanced users that allows you to create graphical interface and built-in advanced design and coding features.It enables use of basic JavaScript without any coding knowledge. Integrating features of Adobe Dreamweaver are amazing; it integrates with Adobe’s Spry Ajax framework and that makes an easy access to dynamically-generated content and interfaces. Adobe Dreamweaver is also integrated with Adobe Flash Professional, Fireworks, Photoshop Extended; this lessens th e amount of stages for making projects. Adobe Dreamweaver supports leading web development technologies such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, Adobe ColdFusion software, which make designing and development really magical.Powerful CSS tools do not need separate utilities, and reduce the need to manually edit CSS code in designing and developing websites. Adobe Dreamweaver is the best application for extension developers and web designers who design and put up websites. MySQL Mysql is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. Free-software-open source projects that require a full-featured database management system often use MySQL.For commercial use, several paid editions are available, and offer additional functionality. Uses MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a central component of the widely use d LAMP web application software stack—LAMP is an acronym for â€Å"Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python†. MySQL is used in some of the most frequently visited web sites on the Internet, including Flickr. com, Nokia. com, YouTube and as previously mentioned, Wikipedia, Google and Facebook. Glass Fish Server: Glassfish is an open source application server project led by Sun Microsystems for the Java EE platform.The proprietary version is called Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. Glassfish is free software. The latest version of GlassFish released is v3. 1. Other Java EE application servers: †¢ JBoss AS †¢ WebSphere AS †¢ WebLogic Server †¢ Apache Geronimo MODULE-2 †¢ JDBC/ODBC: ODBC  (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard software interface for accessing database management systems (DBMS). The designers of ODBC aimed to make it independent of  programming languages, database systems, and  operating systems. Thus, any application can u se ODBC to query data from a database, regardless of the platform it is on or DBMS it uses.ODBC accomplishes platform and language independence by using an  ODBC driver  as a translation layer between the application and the DBMS. The application thus only needs to know ODBC syntax, and the driver can then pass the query to the DBMS in its native format, returning the data in a format the application can understand. Java DataBase Connectivity, commonly referred to as  JDBC, is an  API  for the  Java programming language  that defines how a client may access a  database. It provides methods for querying and updating data in a database. JDBC is oriented towards relational databases.A JDBC-to-ODBC  bridge enables connections to any ODBC-accessible data source in the  JVM  host environment. JDBC allows multiple implementations to exist and be used by the same application. The API provides a mechanism for dynamically loading the correct Java packages and registering them with the JDBC Driver Manager. The Driver Manager is used as a connection factory for creating JDBC connections. JDBC connections support creating and executing statements. These may be update statements such as  SQL’s CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE, or they may be query statements such as SELECT. †¢ MySql †¢ Tomcat Server.Rational Rose Model Rational rose is an object oriented Unified Modeling Language (UML) software design tool intended for visual modeling and component construction of enterprise level software applications. Rose facilitates object-oriented analysis design, better known for OOAD. In fact, Rose is an acronym for Rational Object Oriented Software Engineering. The great things about Rose is that it allows analysts, engineers, writers and project managers to create, view, manipulate modeling elements in a Unified Modeling Language (UML) across the entire enterprise, using one tool and one language.The tool’s true value is that it expo ses software development problems early on in the development life cycle, helping you manage everything from straight forward projects to more complex software solutions. Basically, Rose supports use-case driven object modeling. Chapter-3 Requirement Gathering 3. 1 Software Requirements Functional Requirements |SRS 001 |Add new author |This system shall be able to add new users with valid email-id. | |SRS 002 |Install Conference |Conference management system shall provide users to add new conferences. |SRS 003 |Submit a paper |Authors can submit their papers in already existing validated conferences. | |SRS 004 |Conference validation by administrator |All the conferences are validated by administrators so as to avoid any unauthorized| | | |researches. | |SRS 005 |Program committee selection by Chair |Eminent program committee is selected by chair so as to provide best expertise and | | | |best research papers are selected. |SRS 006 |Paper selection by Program committee |The program committee can select the papers which he wants to review. | |SRS 007 |Upload review |The program committee member can upload his review for selected papers. | |SRS 008 |Mail to Authors and PC member |The chair can send mail from time to time to program committee member and author. | |SRS 009 |Paper download |The program committee can download the paper for further reading. |SRS 009 |Review form download |The program committee can download the review form for making reviews. | |SRS 011 |User feedback |User’s valuable feedback provides us a constant motivation of improvement. | Table 3. 1 Showing Functional Requirements Non-functional Requirements |SRS012 |Access Permission |The conference management system shall have several types of access permissions. For instance, | | | |the administrator is shall be able to validate conference requests and delete the author.At | | | |the same time, authors shall have restricted access to already submitted research papers. | |SRS013 |Mainta inability |The system shall provide the capability to backup the database and it is very easy to maintain | | | |and work on. | |SRS014 |Reliability |The system shall be available all the time, only a internet connectivity is required. |SRS015 |Flexibility |The conference management system shall be flexible and adaptable due to future plans of | | | |expanding the system. | Table 3. 2 Showing Non-Functional Requirements Development End †¢ Operating System (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) †¢ Java Development Kit (JDK) 5 or above †¢ HTML editor (Macromedia Dreamweaver 8) Client End †¢ Internet connection. †¢ A java enabled browser. 3. 2 Hardware Requirements Development End †¢ 500Mhz Intel Pentium-III or higher processor †¢ An Internet connection †¢ 512 MB RAM 600 MB of free hard-drive space, for each platform downloaded into the SDK, an additional 100MB is needed. Client End †¢ 500 MHz Pentium III processor above. †¢ 2 GB hard disk and 256 MB of RAM. †¢ An internet enabled device. †¢ Web Browser installed operating system. 3. 3 Use Case Model In this project, the analysis and design is used as a technique to conduct a research into conference management system. Design is completely based on definition of problem and the knowledge based construct. The use-case diagram which clearly depicts how this system behaves is constructed. End users can easily circumspect the operations carried out.Also the relationship between various elements is visible and the constraints are easily identified. [pic] Fig 1. 1 Use case for Author. [pic] Fig 1. 2 Use case diagram for Program committee member. [pic] Fig 1. 3 Use case diagram for Editor [pic] Fig 1. 4 Use case diagram for Administrator Use Case Description 3. 3. 1 UC01: Login 3. 3. 1. 1 Description:The user logs in the web site. 3. 3. 1. 2 Flow of events:User opens the login page; enter his id and password, and clicks on login button. 3. 3. 1. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 1. 3 Special requirements:N. A. 3. 3. 1. Preconditions:The user must have registered him before with the web site and should hold a valid account. 3. 3. 1. 5 Post conditions: The user gets access to the site. 3. 3. 1. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 2 UC02: Sign Up 3. 3. 2. 1 Description:The user registers him by entering his details. An account is made where his profile information is maintained. 3. 3. 2. 2 Flow of events Entering all the fields and then clicking on submit button. 3. 3. 2. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 2. 3 Special requirements: N. A. 3. 3. 2. 4 Preconditions: The user should have a valid email account.The mandatory fields should not be left empty. 3. 3. 2. 5 Post conditions:The user has a valid account on the website. 3. 3. 2. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 3 UC03: Install a Conference 3. 3. 3. 1 Description: The author can create a new conference. 3. 3. 3. 2 Flow of events: Users logs in, and then go to chooses create conference option and enters the co nference details and submits his request. 3. 3. 3. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 3. 3 Special requirements:N. A. 3. 3. 3. 4 Preconditions: The user must have a valid account on the web site. 3. 3. 3. Post conditions: The request for a new conference is submitted. 3. 3. 3. 6 Extension point: N. A. 3. 3. 4 UC04: Submit Paper 3. 3. 4. 1 Description: The author can submit his research paper on the existing conferences. 3. 3. 4. 2 Flow of events: Author logs in, and then goes to chooses submit conference option and enters the research paper details and submits his paper. 3. 3. 4. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 4. 3 Special requirements:The author must have a valid research paper. 3. 3. 4. 4 Preconditions: The author must have a valid account on the web site. . 3. 4. 5 Post conditions: The author’s research paper is submitted and will be forwarded to jury for review. 3. 3. 4. 6 Extension point: N. A. 3. 3. 5 UC05: Edit Profile 3. 3. 5. 1 Description:The user can access h is own profile information. He can either view or edit the profile. 3. 3. 5. 2 Flow of events: Users logs in, and then goes to My-Account section to view and edit his profile information. 3. 3. 5. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 5. 3 Special requirements: 3. 3. 5. 4 Preconditions: The user must have a valid account on the website. 3. 3. . 5 Post conditions: The profile information is updated. 3. 3. 5. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 6 UC06: Validate Conference 3. 3. 6. 1 Description: The administrator can validate the conference requests. 3. 3. 6. 2 Flow of events The administrator logs in and then goes to selects the validate conference option, then selects the conference requests which is to be validated. 3. 3. 6. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 6. 3 Special requirements: N. A. 3. 3. 6. 4 Preconditions:The administrator must hold a valid account and must be properly logged in. . 3. 6. 5 Post condition: The selected conferences are validated. 3. 3. 6. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 7 UC07: Add PC member 3. 3. 7. 1 Description: The chair has the right to invite the PC member to review the paper for a particular conference. 3. 3. 7. 2 Flow of events The author has to change his role from author to chair, then select the conference for which he wants to invite the PC member. 3. 3. 7. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 7. 3 Special requirements: The author has to change his role from author to chair to be able to add 3. 3. . 4 Preconditions:The author is properly logged in and changes his role from author to editor. 3. 3. 7. 5 Post condition: The PC member is invited to review the paper for a particular conference. 3. 3. 7. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 8 UC08: Review the paper 3. 3. 8. 1 Description: The PC member can review the paper for which chair has invited him. 3. 3. 8. 2 Flow of events The author will have to first change his role to PC member, then select the conference which he wants to review and then select the research paper for which he wants to write review.The PC member posts his review for that paper. 3. 3. 8. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 8. 3 Special requirements: The author must be added by chair as a PC member for that conference. 3. 3. 8. 4 Preconditions:The PC member should be added by program chair to review that conference, and he should have changed his role from author to PC member. 3. 3. 8. 5 Post condition: The author posts the review of the paper. 3. 3. 8. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 9 UC09: Download Paper 3. 3. 9. 1 Description: The PC member can download the research paper. 3. 3. 9. Flow of events The author changes his role from author to PC member, selects the conference and particular research paper, then downloads the paper. 3. 3. 9. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 9. 3 Special requirements: The author must be added by chair as a PC member for that conference. 3. 3. 9. 4 Preconditions:The PC member should be added by program chair to review that conference, and he should have changed his role from author to PC member. 3. 3. 9. 5 Post condition: The PC member downloads the paper. 3. 3. 9. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 10 UC010: View Paper Details 3. 3. 10. Description: The PC member can check the details of the research paper. 3. 3. 10. 2 Flow of events The author changes his role from author to PC member, selects the conference and particular research paper, then views the detail of paper. 3. 3. 10. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 10. 3 Special requirements: The author must be added by chair as a PC member for that conference. 3. 3. 10. 4 Preconditions:The PC member should be added by program chair to review that conference, and he should have changed his role from author to PC member. 3. 3. 10. 5 Post condition: The PC member check the details of paper. 3. 3. 0. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 8 UC11: Delete Author 3. 3. 11. 1 Description: The administrator can delete any author if he does any illegal activity. 3. 3. 11. 2 Flow of events The administrator logs i n and selects the author to be deleted. 3. 3. 11. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 11. 3 Special requirements: N. A. 3. 3. 11. 4 Preconditions:The administrator must hold a valid account and must be properly logged in. 3. 3. 11. 5 Post condition: The author is deleted from the system. 3. 3. 11. 6 Extension point:N. A. 3. 3. 12 UC12: Logout 3. 3. 12. 1 Description: The administrator can delete the author. . 3. 12. 2 Flow of events The administrator logs in and selects the logout option and administrator is logged out. 3. 3. 12. 2. 1 Alternative Flows: N. A. 3. 3. 12. 3 Special requirements: N. A. 3. 3. 12. 4 Preconditions:The administrator must hold a valid account and must be properly logged in. 3. 3. 12. 5 Post condition: The author is logged out from administrator page. 3. 3. 12. 6 Extension point:N. A. Chapter-4 Analysis 4. 1 Sequence Diagram A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram in UML that emphasizes the time ordering of the messages. It shows how processes operate on e with another and in what order.It shows parallel vertical lines as different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and horizontal arrows as the messages exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur. The boxes across the top of the diagram represent the use cases, objects, classes, or actors. The dashed lines hanging from the boxes are called object lifelines, representing the life span of the object during the scenario being modeled. The long, thin boxes on the lifelines are activation boxes, also called method-invocation boxes, which indicate processing is being performed by the target object/class to fulfill a message.Messages are indicated on UML sequence diagrams as labeled arrows, when the source and target of a message is an object or class the label is the signature of the method invoked in response to the message. Return values are optionally indicated using a dashed arrow with a label indicating the return value. [pic] Fig 4. 1 Sequence Diagram for Lo gin [pic] Fig 4. 2 Sequence Diagram for Sign Up [pic] Fig 4. 3 Sequence Diagram for My-Account Section [pic] Fig 4. 4 Sequence Diagram for Paper Submission [pic] Fig 4. 5 Sequence Diagram for Conference validation [pic] Fig 4. 6 Sequence Diagram to add PC member. [pic] Fig 4. Sequence Diagram to write review for a paper. [pic] Fig 4. 8 Sequence Diagram to check submission details of a conference. 4. 2 Activity Diagram An Activity Diagram is essentially a flow chart showing flow of control from activity to activity. They are used to model the dynamic aspects of as system. They can also be used to model the flow of an object as it moves from state to state at different points in the flow of control. Activity diagrams commonly contain fork start & end symbol. [pic] Fig 4. 7 Activity diagram for Author [pic] Fig. 4. 8 Activity diagram for administrator Chapter-5 Design 5. 1 Technology SelectionWe are a part of a rapidly changing software industry. New and better software’s are cr eated every day. The main purpose of the software is to provide comfort to its users and also to the other developers. Java Java Platform, Standard Edition or Java SE is a widely used platform for programming in the Java language. It is the Java Platform used to deploy portable applications for general use. In practical terms, Java SE consists of a virtual machine, which must be used to run Java programs, together with a set of libraries needed to allow the use of file systems, networks, graphical interfaces, and so on, from within those programs.Java Development Kit jdk 1_5_0 it has been by far the most widely used Java SDK Sun contributed the source code to the OpenJDK. The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a Sun Microsystems product aimed at Java developers. Since the introduction of Java, it has been by far the most widely used Java Software Development Kit. A Java Development Kit (JDK) is a program development environment for writing Java applets and applications.It consists of a r untime environment that â€Å"sits on top† of the operating system layer as well as the tools and programming that developers need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications written in the Java language. A JVM can also execute byte code compiled from programming languages other than Java. Java was conceived with the concept of WORA: â€Å"write once, run anywhere†. This is done using the Java Virtual Machine. The JVM is the environment in which Java programs execute. It is software that is implemented on non-virtual hardware and on standard operating systems.JVM is a crucial component of the Java platform, and because JVMs are available for many hardware and software platforms, Java can be both middleware and a platform in its own right, hence the trademark write once, run anywhere. The use of the same byte code for all platforms allows Java to be described as â€Å"compile once, run anywhere†, as opposed to â€Å"write once, compile anywhere†, w hich describes cross-platform compiled languages. A JVM also enables such features as automated exception handling, which provides â€Å"root-cause† debugging information for every software error (exception), independent of the source code.A JVM is distributed along with a set of standard class libraries that implement the Java application programming interface (API). Appropriate APIs bundled together form the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Java's execution environment is termed the Java Runtime Environment, or JRE. Programs intended to run on a JVM must be compiled into a standardized portable binary format, which typically comes in the form of . class files. A program may consist of many classes in different files. For easier distribution of large programs, multiple class files may be packaged together in a . jar file. JSP and ServletsA servlet is a Java programming language class used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed via a request-resp onse programming model. Although servlets can respond to any type of request, they are commonly used to extend the applications hosted by Web servers. To deploy and run, the Apache Tomcat Server may be used. It is an open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the Java Server Pages (JSP) specifications from Sun Microsystems, and provides a â€Å"pure Java† HTTP web server environment for Java code to run.Java Server Pages  (JSP) is a  Java  technology that helps  software developers  serve  dynamically generated web pages  based on HTML,  XML, or other document types. JSP may be viewed as a high-level abstraction of  Java servlets. JSP pages are loaded in the server and are operated from a structured special installed Java server packet called a Java EE Web Application, often packaged as a  . war  or  . ear  file archive. JSP allows Java code and certain pre-defined actions t o be interleaved with static web markup content, with the resulting page being compiled and executed on the server to deliver an HTML or XML document.The compiled pages and any dependent Java libraries use Java byte code rather than a native software format, and must therefore be executed within a  Java virtual machine  (JVM) that integrates with the host  operating system  to provide an abstract platform-neutral environment. MySQL as a backend Features of MySQL 1. Speed: Of course, the speed at which a server side program runs depends primarily on the server hardware. Given that the server hardware is optimal, MySQL runs very fast. It supports clustered servers for demanding applications. 2. Ease of use: MySQL is a high-performance, relatively simple database system.From the beginning, MySQL has typically been configured, monitored, and managed from the command line. However, several MySQL graphical interfaces are available as described below: †¢ MySQL Administrator: T his tool makes it possible for administrators to set up, evaluate, and tune their MySQL database server. This is intended as a replacement for mysqladmin. †¢ MySQL Query Browser: Provides database developers and operators with a graphical database operation interface. It is especially useful for seeing multiple query plans and result sets in a single user interface. Configuration Wizard: Administrators can choose from a predefined list of optimal settings, or create their own. †¢ MySQL System Tray: Provides Windows-based administrators a single view of their MySQL instance, including the ability to start and stop their database servers. 3. Cost: MySQL is available free of cost. MySQL is a â€Å"Open Source† database. MySQL is part of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl / Python) environemtn, a fast growing open source enterprise software stack. More and more companies are using LAMP as an alternative to expensive proprietary oftware stacks because of its lower co st, reliability, and documentation. 4. Query Language Support: MySQL understands standards based SQL (Structured Query Language). 5. Capability: Many clients can connect to the server at the same time. Clients can use multiple database simultaneously. You can access MySQL using several interfaces such as command-line clients, Web browsers. 6. Connectivity and security: MySQL is fully networked, and database can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet, so you can share your data with anyone, anywhere.The connectivity could be achieved with Windows programs by using ODBC drivers. By using the ODBC connector to MySQL, any ODBC-aware client application (for example, Microsoft Office, report writers, Visual Basic) can connect to MySQL. 7. Portability: MySQL runs on many varieties of UNIX, as well as on other non-UNIX systems, such as Windows and OS/2. MySQL runs on hardware from home PCs to high-end server. MySQL can be installed on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Red Hat Fedora Linux , Debian Linux, and others. We have maintained our database in MySQL that involves maintenance of information. 5. Database Design It is defined as â€Å"centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format†. Our data dictionary is designed in order to fulfill: †¢ A document describing a database or collection of databases †¢ An integral component of a DBMS that is required to determine its structure †¢ A piece of middleware that extends or supplants the native data dictionary of a DBMS. The most challenging phase of the system life cycle is system design. The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed.It refers to the technical specifications that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. It also includes the construction of programs and program testing. System design is a solution, a â€Å"how to† approach the creation of a new system. This important phase is composed of several steps. It provides understanding and procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the feasibility study. Emphasis is on translating the performance requirements into design specifications. The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format.Samples of the output and input are also presented. Second, input data and master files (database) have to be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The operational (processing) phases are handled through program construction and testing, including a list of programs needed to meet the systems objectives and to complete documentation. Finally, details related to justification of the system and an estimate of the impact of the candidate system on the user and the organization are documented and evaluated by management as a step toward implementation.The design approach that was suited for the project turned out to be object-oriented design. It creates a representation of the real world problem domain & maps it into a solution domain that is software. Unlike other methods, object-oriented design results in a design that interconnects data objects(data items) & processing operations in a way that modularizes information & processing , rather than processing alone. E-R diagrams represent the schemas or the overall organization of the system. In order to begin constructing the basic model, the modeler must analyze the information gathered during the requirement analysis for the purpose of: classifying data objects as either entities or attributes, ? identifying and defining relationships between entities, ? naming and defining identified entities, attributes, and relationships, ? documenting this information in the data document. ? Finally draw its ER diagram. To accomplish these goals the modeler must analyze narratives from users, notes from meeting, policy and procedure documents, and, if lucky, design document s from the current information system. [pic] Fig 5. 1 Enhanced Entity-Relationship diagram. Chapter 6 Testing 6. Test Case and Design Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and the ultimate review of specification, design and code generation . Testing of the software leads to uncovering of errors in the software and reveal that whether software is functional and performance requirement are met. Testing also provides a good indication of software reliability as software quality as a whole. The result of different phases are evaluated and then compared with the expected results. If the errors are uncovered they are debugged and corrected.A strategy approach to software testing has the generic characteristics: †¢ Testing begins at the module level and works outwards towards the integration of the entire computer based system. †¢ Different testing techniques are appropriate at different point of time. †¢ Testing and debugging are different ac tivities, but debugging must be accommodating in the testing strategy. †¢ A strategy for the software testing must be accommodate low level tests that are necessary to verify that a small source code segment is performing correctly according to the customers requirement and that of developers expectations.Testing Objectives †¢ Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. †¢ A good test case is one which has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error. †¢ A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error. †¢ Our objective is to design tests that systematically uncover different classes of errors and to do so with minimum amount of time and effort. Testing Principles: †¢ All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. †¢ Tests should be planned long before testing begins. The Pareto principle applies to software testing. †¢ Testing should begin â€Å"in the small† and progress towards testing â€Å"in the large†. †¢ Exhaustive testing is not possible. †¢ To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third party. 6. 2 Testing Methods and Strategies: Any engineered product can be tested in one of two ways: White-Box Testing: Knowing the internal workings of a product, tests can be conducted to ensure that the internal operation performs according to specification and all internal components have been adequately exercised.For testing our project, we have used the Black-Box testing methods, and a short description of this testing method follows: Black-Box Testing: Black box testing, also called â€Å"Behavioral testing†, focuses on the functional Requirements of the software. It enables the software engineer to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. It is a complementary approach to â€Å"White-Box testing† that is likely to uncover a different class of errors. Black Box testing attempts to find errors in the following categories: †¢ Incorrect or missing functions Interface errors †¢ Errors in data structures †¢ Behavior or performance errors †¢ Initialization and termination errors. Snapshots for Test cases: [pic] Fig 6. 2. 1 Snapshot for login Test Cases Description: following testing checks the authenticity of the end-user. Test 01 : Test case for successful Login Login ID: pushpendra Password: blackboard System Output: Successful Login Test 02 : Test case for incorrect password Login ID: pushpendra Password: chalk System Output: Incorrect user-id or Password [pic] Fig 6. 2. 2 Snapshot for conference installation Test CasesDescription: this lets you install a new conference. Test 01 Conference name: International conference on environmental studies Conference acronym: ICES Email: [email  protected] com City: Indore Country: India Your role: chair Research area: environmental Any other information: Send request System output: conference successfully installed. [pic] Fig 6. 2. 3 Snapshot for paper submission Test Cases Description: this lets you submit your research paper in your desired conference. Test 01: Name: mohit maheshwari E-mail: mohit. [email  protected] om Country: India Organization: Accenture India Title: cloud computing Abstract: benefits of new cloud computing Keyword: ACC Paper: paper1. pdf Browse System output: new paper successfully submitted. [pic] Fig 6. 2. 4 Snapshot for changing role Test Cases Description: this lets you change the role as per as requirement. Test 01: Present role: Author Change role New role: Chair System output: Your role successfully changed. [pic] Fig 6. 2. 5 Snapshot for updating profile Test Cases Description: this lets you update your personal information.Test 01: Name : ankit jain Contact number: 9407217505 E mail: [email  protected] com Organization: Microsoft India Country: India Password: anjtdf Change password: fhdfioh Submit System output: your profile successfully updated. [pic] Fig 6. 2. 6 Snapshot for review of the paper Test Cases Description: this lets you review the form previously submitted by you. Test 01: ID : 412 Author: mohit jain Review rating: 4. 5 Comment: it was very innovative. Submit System output: your form has been successfully reviewed. Conclusion Software’s are making everyday life of humans being easier & faster.This type web-application shows â€Å"How we can solve management problem? † Hence, software is managing the record & database in behalf of humans. After completion of this website, authors and administrator can now access the conference’s and can submit the research paper of their interest field. It is aimed at improving the infrastructure of the conference organizer’s by providing authors an opportunity to submit their papers. Thus it can manage the entire conference process related to paper submission, jury selection, and paper review, under the complete control of the administrator.In our project, we have used Mysql RDBMS for the creation, maintenance and use of the database. The user interface is designed using Java servlets, JSP using Netbeans IDE. We have defined two users for this system, author and administrator, each with their own access and rights and activities. This project allowed us to interact with JSP and servlets. We explored java database connectivity and also became familiar with requirements of a conference management system. BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFRENCES 7. 1 BOOKS REFERED The following books were used extensively for the project development and implementation. . â€Å"The Complete Reference Java2† Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Company Limited. By- Herbert Schildt. 2. The Complete Reference to JAVA SERVER PAGES 3. Head First – Java Servlets 4. Software Engineering Pearson edition By Ian SommerVille 5. Database Management System by Ivan Bayross 7. 2 WEBSITES REFERED †¢ http:// www. google. com †¢ http://www. wikipedia. com †¢ http://www. w3schools. com/css/css_examples. asp †¢ http://www. w3schools. com/js/default. asp †¢ http://www. jsptut. com/ †¢ http://www. roseindia. net/jsp/jsp. htm

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Examine sociological explanations of the difference in the educational performance of ethnic minorities in Britain Essay

The connection between ethnicity and educational accomplishment is very complicated as there is a great deal of difference between achievements between each of the ethnic groups. In previous studies, such as those carried out to compile the Swann report (1985), used very simplistic classifications of each of the ethnic groups, ‘Afro-Caribbean’, ‘Asian’ and ‘All others’ (including white). There was clear ranking between these groups with all others at the top, followed by Asians, and then Afro-Caribbean. Later on more complex classification systems were introduced and so a more detailed picture of the relationships between class and education emerged. For example, Kysel (1988) used eleven classifications to measure success at 16. This study placed Indian, African, Asian and Pakistani pupils at the top, followed by South East Asian and Greek students. Students of UK origin came in the middle of the range, followed by pupils from Turkish, Arab and Caribbean origin. At the bottom were Bangladeshi pupils. Most sociological explanations point to home back ground, educational experiences and factors to do with society. However studies don’t usually apply such sophisticated classifications, as used by Kysel, so making it difficult to explain distinctions between the categories. There are three main reasons for different ethnicities achieving differently in the cultural factors, social class and school factors. Cultural factors are thought by sociologists to have a large influence on the difference in attainment of the ethnic groups. Findings of those such as Douglas have provided support for what came to be known as ‘cultural deprivation theory’. This theory states that many of the values, attitudes and skills needed for high educational success are missing in the culture of certain ethnic groups. This was a particularly popular theory in the 1960-70’s, it was notably supported by the Swann committee (1985), however evidence can be seen as weak, even the Swann report said this argument was ‘sketchy’. Driver and Ballard adopted this explanation in their study of children with parents of South Asian origin. They found that these parents quickly developed high expectations of their children’s abilities and such attitudes may have attributed to their success. Ken Pryce rejected theory. He did a study of the Afro-Caribbean community in Bristol (1979) and although he described their way of life as ‘turbulent’ he also said that Afro-Caribbean parents have great aspirations for their children, and that they were not socially deprived because their parents are supportive, interested and provide all of the educational aid the can. Rex and Tomlinson also rejected the cultural deprivation theory in their study in Handsworth. Their rejected the theory because the data they collected points to Asians achieving highest at school and yet their parents go into school the least, indicating that they are not as interested as Afro-Caribbean parents who go into school the most. In spite of their parents frequent visits to school Afro-Caribbean are achieving the least in school. Another important theory is cultural difference theory, this about children being disadvantaged because their culture differs from the schools, the main example of this is if a child go to an English speaking school and speaks a different language at home, this means that they will not be as practiced as the children for whom English is their first language, they will be subjected to constant correction by teacher and their confidence and self esteem may suffer as a result. This theory is rejected by Driver and Ballard who found that by sixteen Asian children’s command of English is at least as good as their class mate, and in some cases, much better. The Swann report also noted that linguistic factors held back some Afro-Caribbean students but most did not have a problem. Social class is another important factor to consider. Some research suggests that much of the differential educational advantage that Afro-Caribbean’s face is due to the fact that most Afro-Caribbean’s are working class, disproportionately so. Swann said social class adds up to half of the reason behind educational achievement. Smith and Tomlinson agreed with this with their study of inner city junior schools and found a large variation due to class but a much smaller discrepancy due to ethnicity. The only problem with this is Asian pupils are primarily working class yet they achieve better that their white middle class counterparts. Many researchers have looked at the impact a range of school factors; this idea takes the stance that the difference in attainment between the ethnic groups is due to school environment. In studying school factors researches may have looked at curriculum content, teacher’s attitudes, ethnocentric resources, banding, language and many other things. Mac and Ghaill found that there was no clearly defined relationship between students who have been the victims of racism and the ones who have been predicted a fail. What he found was how well students did was influenced mainly by the schools they had come from. Pupils from suburban schools did better than pupils from inner city schools. Most studies showed that teachers were not racist to ethnic minorities. Taylor saw that many teachers were very sensitive in their handling of cultural issues and Hammersley went on to say most racist teachers did not bring this into the classroom. Wright studied primary schools and noticed how Asian pupils were largely ‘invisible’ to the teacher and was treated insensitively by both staff and peers. Coard said that institutional racism lead to ethic minority children having self-esteem problems, which developed into low achievement. This is extremely apt with Afro-Caribbean students who are seen as ‘a threat to classroom management’ and because they have been treated like this they start to conform to the labels they have been given. The DfEE found in a recent study that Afro-Caribbean pupils were four times more likely be permanently excluded from school than white children. To conclude, the area of ethnicity is a very delicate one and it is important to view it in the context of individuals and not stereotype people. More research is needed in to the experience of small, specific racial groups, not just ‘Asian’ or ‘White’. It is also important to note that it can never be seen as just one factor, it is always going to be a combination of factors and also age and gender can not be ignored, no one factor can never be measured accurately on its own.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Law Of Succession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Law Of Succession - Essay Example n behalf of the deceased. The intestacy rules, subject to reforms/amendments from time to time, being primarily governed by statues, are cited as a "will made by Parliament based upon the presumed wishes of the deceased." The present paper shall attempt to analyse the proposition to understand how rules of intestacy are indeed a "will made by the Parliament" and to examine whether, and to what extent the rules reflect the will of the deceased. In doing so, it shall first understand the provisions of intestate wealth distribution covered in statues and leading case laws and then examine the public opinion as well as reform proposals and other recommendations. The current law of intestacy in the U.K. is enacted in the Administration of Estates Act 1925 (AEA 1925) as amended, bounded by procedural legislations. Before analysing the provisions of AEA, 1925, a brief understanding of the evolution of intestacy rules may be worthwhile as a backdrop to the analysis. Before 1926, intestate succession to realty was governed by the rules of inheritance, accordingly realty passed to the heir-at-law, who was usually the eldest son. If there were no surviving sons, or their issue, realty devolved equally on the daughters of the intestate. The next entitled were the brothers and sisters of the intestate, or their issue; however, after the Inheritance Act 1833 the intestate's parents were given priority over brothers and sisters. If there were no next-of-kin, the realty passed to the intestate's lord or the Crown as 'bona vacantia.' The intestate's widow was strictly not entitled, but under the customary rules of dower, the widow became entitled to one-third of her husband's realty on his death. A widower took a life interest - defined as curtesy -- in the whole of his wife's realty. Similar rules applied to personalty, being distributed under the statutory scheme covered under the Statutes of Distribution 1670-1685.4 The AEA 1925 repealed the previous rules, both as regards succession to realty and personalty, giving primacy to the surviving spouse, and also ending the customary difference between widows and widowers as to entitlement. After 1925, the surviving spouse took the whole estate, the spouse being entitled to a statutory legacy of 1,000, the personal chattels of the intestate and a life interest in half the residue if there were issue. The Intestates' Estates Act 1952, which followed the "Morton report,"5 introduced major changes --the surviving spouse was also given the right to appropriate the matrimonial home and the statutory legacy was increased to 5,000. However, the 1952 Act also made Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1938 applicable to intestacy, introducing flexibility by allowing certain family members of the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Debenhams Plcs Competitive Position in Its Various Markets Essay

Debenhams Plcs Competitive Position in Its Various Markets - Essay Example The gross profit margin is at 13.59%, while the net profit margin is at 5.6%. Return on equity and assets also appear favourable at 18.20% and 6.06% respectively (Global Business Browser, 2014). The company has stated that it would expand its global operations by increasing the number of stores to 150 by the end of 5 years from this day. As per reports, the retail sector of UK has seen a rise in revenue by 1% in its 103 businesses that employ over 123,000 people. Before the crisis, the buying patterns were instinctive and the retail industry was booming. After 2008, the economy has somewhat stagnated and hence, has put a dent in sales. High levels of unemployment have led to lower levels of disposable income and lower consumer confidence because of which discretionary purchases have been forced to cut back. It is expected that the retail industry shall post the decline in the forthcoming financial year 2013-14 to the tune of 0.8% (Ibisworld, 2013). The paper aims to bring forth a comprehensive analysis of the company in the market where it operates. The paper shall seek to throw light on the competitive position of the company in relation to the markets within which it operates through Porters Five Forces, PEST, and Porters Generic Strategies. It moves on to discuss various cross-cultural issues that the company has come across in present times and how these were dealt with Hofstede's five dimensions and Trompenaars seven dimensions model. The paper also analyses the company’s CSR attempts with a view of sustainable growth objective for various groups of stakeholders. The paper concludes with a discussion of the present position and standing of the company in relation to its peers and future growth prospects. The paper tries to make a justification regarding the strategies being followed by Debenhams Plc and attempts to draw strategic directions for future market analysis. A study of the external environment and cultural challenges brings forth the trend of challenges faced by Debenhams while the internal study and CSR initiatives highlight the key sustainability attempts towards challenging competition in retail business.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Canonical Antonyms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Canonical Antonyms - Research Paper Example Canonical antonyms are investigated through opinion tests, word connection tests, and extraction tests (Grassmayr 36). Within the context of good grammatical language, the canonical antonyms occur together with one another by means of credible constructions better than other word pairs with possible semantics. The diagnostics of canonical antonyms are found out through grammatical word structures and the strengths of language semantics. Words that have opposing meanings may have contrasting viewpoints but that does not necessarily mean that they are canonical antonyms. The paradigm of the application of English language semantics that provides the meaning of words, opposites, and adjectives rely on canonical antonyms. This is evident through dictionaries and thesaurus that provide the basic values and meanings of words and their antonyms, which should have a canonic point of view (Vas 79).  Antonym word duos refer to any two words that contrast semantically to each other by virtue of having dissimilar meanings, for example, warm and chilly. A canonic antonym refers to two words that are affiliated because of being together with semantic correlation, for instance, public and private. Therefore, canonic antonyms are twosome words that have lexicon frameworks in the language whose combinations make sense by default without necessarily having to adhere to semantic tenets (Storjohann 89). The conventional way to which canonical antonyms pair with each other occur in a broad array of word contexts in that they do not contrast just because of being in a single phrase. Therefore, poor and rich are more probable to contain a canonic perspective as opposed to rags and riches. To reciprocate the relatedness of the words is also considered to have a canonic affiliation. For instance, searches may show that the best antonym of both rapid and fast is slow.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What Effect Does ADX Have on Atherosclerosis Article

What Effect Does ADX Have on Atherosclerosis - Article Example Image 1 the image above shows the pathway by which the Adrenal glands respond to the signal triggered by the brain.1 When the adrenal glands are removed, there is a sudden decrease in the epinephrine, norepinephrine and hormones. This could lead to disastrous effects in the body. Reasons for an adrenalectomy could be due to an adrenal mass (incidental adenoma), pheochromocytoma, Conn’s Syndrome (aldostrenoma) and Cushing’s syndrome.2 Atherosclerosis is a stress inducing disease. The adrenal glands respond to the development of atherosclerosis and release hormones to reduce the further developing. In atherosclerosis the Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) enter the endothelial cells in the cell wall where they are oxidized. Oxidized LDL is toxic and induces inflammation. The monocytes, in the blood passing through the artery, respond to the inflammation and engulf the macrophages (cholesterol rich oxidized LDL). These form foam cells, filled with lipid. The cells die (apoptos is) and leave a lipid core. The body’s attempt to heal forms a fibrous cap over the lipid core. LDL growth continues causing the elastic membrane to stretch outward. Arterial remodeling takes place to maintain the artery’s shape, however if the lesion continues to grow the growth will continue inwards when it cannot stretch outward anymore. This narrows the diameter making it less easy for the blood to pass through, and the fibrous cap is now very thin after is has been stretched which increases chances of lesion rupture. Glucocorticoids are stress-response hormones; the hormone is released in response to stress in the body by the adrenal glands. Glucocorticoids also play a role in the further developing of atherosclerosis. The glucocorticoids inhibit the colony growth of macrophages; this is beneficial to reducing atherosclerosis. However, glucocorticoids have side effects which could increase the chances of developing atherosclerosis, such as high blood pressure, ind uction on hypercholesterolemia, impairment of glucose tolerance, hypertriglyceridemia, imbalance of thrombosis and fibronolysis.3 In the present study, I hypothesized that an adrenalectomy will lead to further the development of atherosclerosis in the LDL-knockout mice. To test this hypothesis, the levels of stress was compared to the development of atherosclerosis in both sham operated and adrenalectomized (ADX) mice. The genetic differences were compared after the sham operation and the adrenalectomy took place. This study demonstrates the effect of ADX on atherosclerosis. Methods: In this experiment 12 week old female LDL-receptor knockout mice were used. Supplied by, my supervisor Menno Hoekstra. The mice were caged in groups of four or five. The drink bottles contained a saline solution, from which the mice could drink at any time, also during fasting. Diet N is made up of cholesterol, fat and cholic acid. The experiment took place as follows; the mice were 6 weeks old when the ADX and SHAM operations took place. This is week 0. At two weeks the mice gained strength after being fed the chow diet. Blood was drawn at two weeks. At six weeks the mice were put on diet N and blood was drawn again. At 8 weeks the mice were sacrificed after blood was drawn. Sacrificing: The adrenalectomy takes place when

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Illegal Immigration - Essay Example These are people whose past life stories of where they come from, be it Mexico, Europe and Africa among other regions are not at all pleasing (Ledbetter 23). United States offers to these people refuge and good life that they would wish to live or far much better regardless of circumstances than that of their mother lands. Americans may at times take the good life; good roads, education, social amenities, health and security among others for granted. These social amenities in other regions are rare to come by and where available, they come at an unbearable cost. However, despite all these issues dogging them, illegal immigrants come to face harsh lives in the United States due to their lack of legitimacy and lack of appropriate documents. Illegal immigration is no doubt beneficial to the US economy. Most Americans cannot take up jobs that these immigrants do and for that reason low-wage jobs find people to do them. As much they are earning, they also consume. This way they offer a consumption pool that drives industries forward while not forgetting these goods are taxed offering revenue for the government. Due to their offering of cheap labor it is possible for farmers and other producers to lower their prices on goods. Ledbetter states that being an illegal immigrant does not necessarily mean these people are less skilled. A good number of them are highly innovative and educated too and the brain drain is a benefit to the United States economy. Illegal immigrants also involve themselves in many sectors of the economy in which they benefit e.g. automobile insurance, real estate where they pay commissions, hold bank accounts that charge interest and rent in areas that would otherwise have lacked tenants (36 – 4 4). These benefits are at times overshadowed by various issues. Many illegal immigrants end up sending their hard earned money to their

Monday, September 23, 2019

Should Global Poverty be a U.S National Security Issue Essay

Should Global Poverty be a U.S National Security Issue - Essay Example This paper illustrates that global poverty is a phenomenon that has been in existence for quite a long time now. However, it is noteworthy that it is an aspect of global in equality. By this, I mean that, in most of the countries, there exists an exceptionally wide gap between the upper and the lower class. Some have no middle class at all. This is reflected in the wider picture with the developed countries having massive wealth, as opposed to the peanuts in the developing world. What does this imply? This is so dangerous to the mutual coexistence of these people. Mostly, global poverty has been continually ignored under the pretence that it is not a problematic issue but a social issue of specific countries. Realistically, this is an environmental problem. This is because, for such people in such circumstances, they have an effect to the environment. By this, I mean that, these difficult economic situations do force them to indulge in behaviors that are environmentally unsustainable . For instance, a country in Sub Saharan Africa will be more likely to engage in charcoal burning due to the financial constraints. This may be in an effort to look for money through its sale to sustain their troublesome life or to use it as firewood instead of the cleaner biogas. This in turn, has an effect on global climate by contributing to augmented discharge of green house gases into the atmosphere leading to global warming. Global warming, consequently results into so many disastrous effects. This includes drought, excessive rainfall and respiratory ailments. (Galore and Weil, p 810). This charcoal burning is also capable of directly affecting the environment because it results into soil degradation. Global poverty also turns out to be an environmental problem because, many people do not get to meet their basic needs (Galore and Weil, p 815). This in itself is an environmental crisis because it is the failure to construct a sustainable environment t for human life. The United States national security strategy demands of them to build a balance of power bearing in mind that each country, whether small or large, has its fundamental responsibilities. Moreover, to affect this, it resolves to pioneer aspirations of human self-respect (Galore and Weil, p 820). With the implications that global poverty has on the environment, it is high time that the United States recognize it as an environmental problem. Its effects on the security are also wanting. This is because; due to poverty such people do not get access to adequate education hence termed as the illiterate. With no employment that comes with no skills and little employment activities, it leaves a large room for indulgence in destructive activities. An excellent example is the poverty in the African American community of the United States (Galore and Weil, p 25). With no education that guarantees no education, it is no wonder that they participate in violent crimes. All these considered it will be of the essence if the United States considers entrenching global poverty into the national security Policy. It should thus be considered as United States National security issue. Population, Technology, and Growth This article explores the model through which population, technology and growth can be fitted to come up with a functional and economic legacy. With three regimes that have lived to characterize the economic development, it is essential that these steps be fairly understood. This will be beneficial to map out the possible transitions’ and have a clear understanding of what the future presents to the world in the economic sector. In a situation where the progress in technology is slow with a growing population, there is a likelihood of reduced rise in output growth (Sachs and Sewell, p 34). This means s that the high numbers of people consume more than what technology can provide them. This is because technology is meant to make man, s work easier. However, if this

Sunday, September 22, 2019

WRITE YOUR OWN CONSTITUTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WRITE YOUR OWN CONSTITUTION - Essay Example In 1938, Romania was under dictatorship government. In addition, there was reckless dissolution of it political system by the political leaders. However, a stable government requires a well written constitution that exercises rules and regulations (Founding unites states fathers 34). Romania needs the establishment of a stable democratic form of government. For this to succeed, it requires a written constitution that set the basic democracy principles (Founding unites states fathers 45). The purpose of the constitution is to give people the right to choose a government of their interest, put enduring limits on the government, and entrench rules in the constitution. The following is a model constitution that Romania democratic government can adopt. The goal of a democratic government is to give people the right to control the government. This will demolish dictatorship and allow people to elect politicians of their choice. People will be able to put limits on the officials by dividing power among diverse parts of the government. In addition, people will require the government to respect their individual rights and be accountable through allowing regular and free elections. This will be a body of government consisting of two legislative houses which include: the house of representative and the senate. The senate house will be smaller with its members serving for longer terms. On the other hand, the house of representative will be large than the senate. Its members will serve for shorter terms. However, the two houses will be responsible of making laws through two ways. The first one will be through veto override. This is a process by which the two houses will use to vote on a bill voted by the president. In addition, two-thirds votes from each house will be required in order to pass a bill. The second one will be filibuster which will involve a parliamentary procedure for extending debates. One or more members, in the two

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Air Can Be Cleaner Than It Is Now Essay Example for Free

The Air Can Be Cleaner Than It Is Now Essay There are people who believe that â€Å"fresh air† is an unlimited source. I personally used to think like that when I was a young. As I grew older, I learned that a simple thing, such as fresh air is infinitely available, is not true. The fact is, the troposphere, which is like a wall that covers the earth, is the only air that is available to us. No fresh air comes in, and no polluted air escapes (Harris, par. 3). Ironically, a giant thing like spaceship could go out trough the troposphere, the lowest level of the atmosphere, but a simple thing like air can not. This way, we are like in a sealed room, so we must use the air over and over again for infinity. Polluted air is dangerous and it has been a dilemma throughout this modern era. Air pollution can have serious problem for our health and also on natural ecosystems. It is able to go around the earth easily because the fact it is located in the stratosphere (â€Å"Air Pollution,† par. 2). The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based. Volcanic eruptions, wind erosions, pollen dispersal and forests fires are among the natural-based air pollution. But, the most pollution is the result of human activity. There are many things that we do can contaminate the air. According to Think Quest Online, â€Å"The biggest cause of pollution in U. S. are the operation of fossil fuel-burning power plants and automobiles that combust fuel. Combined, these two sources are responsible for about 90% of all air pollution in the United States â€Å"(â€Å"Causes,† par. 6). The other 10% are including the natural-based of air pollution and some other human activities that can cause air pollution, such as, the smoke from cigarettes, fireplaces, heating systems, incinerators, airplanes, industries and many more. Based on the facts above, human activities alone are responsible for more than 90% of air pollution in the United States. The issue here is obviously not about the air pollution that comes naturally, it’s about our activities that can cause air pollution. Polluted air can affect the health of human beings in many ways. Every year, the health of many people is endangered by it. There is a research about the people who have been killed by air pollution in United States. The result is over 50,000 people killed annually. It often happens to young children, infants, and elderly people (â€Å"Effects,† par. 3). People who already have health problems, like asthma, heart and lung disease, have a high risk of suffering or dying when the air is polluted. Another tragic fact happened in English on 1952, which is the famous era of the country’s industrial revolution. As a result, more than 400 people died in because of the fog that formed by smog from the industries. Today, the way of most industries work is not the same as past. Somehow, they manage to reduce the smog their producing. However, there are still many industries in countries, such as China, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and some other eastern European countries, are still using the old way to handle the smog (Socha, par. 8). Our natural ecosystem can be endangered by air pollution too. Air pollutants like carbon dioxides, ozone, and sulfur dioxides also have deadly effects on it. Those harmful substances can easily destroy plants and trees by exterminating their leaves. Air pollution can also kill animals too, especially fish in a river that highly contaminated (â€Å"Effects,† par. 7). Air pollution is not only bad to our health but also to our environment. There will be no doubt that the air will be much cleaner if we stop all the activities that can contaminate the air, but our life is going to be drastically changed. It’s obviously going to be more difficult because nearly all the things that we need can cause air pollution. Almost all of human transportation can cause air pollution. The industries, which produce many people necessity, can cause air pollution. We can not live without those things. So, we do not have to stop the activities that can cause air pollution but we need to reduce it. With all these seriously bad effects of polluted air, we can’t just sit and do nothing. Fortunately, there are many ways that we can do to reduce pollution. Here is the solutions: conserve electricity, set your air conditioner at a higher temperature, reduce the use of heater, driving a car that has a great fuel efficiency (at least 35 miles per gallon), share a ride to destination, or use public transportation, bicycle or walk to errands when possible, reduce the consumption of cigarettes or cigar, replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, recycle newspapers, aluminum, and other materials, and avoid purchasing products such as Styrofoam that contain CFCs (sulfur and chlorofluorocarbons) (Socha, par. 0). Not only these solutions can make the air cleaner, but it also can save energy, and for some of them, can save or generate money. There is one solution that really useful in reducing air pollution, and that is planting more green plants. Just like human, plants breathe in order to live. Trees inhale the carbon dioxide, which is the bad air, during a sunny day. This process called photosynthesis (â€Å"Photosynthesis,† par. 2). In the night time, tree exhales the oxygen, which is the good air. Trees are basically producing the oxygen just by sucking carbon dioxide. It is really useful to us, not only it can make the bad air disappear, but it also generate the good air. So, we need to plant trees as much as we can. It can reduce the air pollution, but what is more is that trees can also make the environment much nicer. If we do all these solutions there will be no doubt that the air will be much cleaner and good things will come if the air is cleaner. For example, health problems will be decreased, healthier ecosystems, and many more. We would not be blamed by our kids or our next generation if we do these solutions. They can live happily and they also have a great chance of doing these solutions. We have to start these good habits from now, and I’m very sure that our generation will be remembered forever just because we start solutions as our habits. The future can be brighter and it is sure that we will live longer.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Is Information Technology Essay

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Is Information Technology Essay What are the identified problems, issues and short comings in addition to above two areas of studies how can Srilankan Airlines achieve competitive advantage by changing the effectiveness in their management system using IS/IT? 5.0 Background Information System and Information Technology (IS/IT) has become the core feature for many business successes in the globe. IT applications are mostly used to help organizations to do its day to day work and to gain competitive advantage while reducing competitive disadvantage and to meet other business objectives which organizations need. According to Ross and Fenny (1999), in the mid of 1980s, they have identified the IS/IT as a key weapon which helps to achieve the competitive advantage for any organization. Also Ward and Daniel (2006) has stated in their book of Benefits Management that in the last four decades there was a huge IS/IT requirement for organizations to meet its requirement to achieve the competitive advantage. Furthermore Ward and Daniel (2006), mentioned that with the early stage of IS/IT adoption helps to automate some routine activities to reduce the efficiency and reduce the cost while delivering a good operational process with a good product. According to Croteau and Bergeron (2001); Kearns and Lederer (2000); Zhang and Lado (2001) cited in Garg, Joubert and Pellissier (2005) p.33, mentioned that applications which are support to achieve the competitive advantage referred to as the strategic management information technology and it helps to achieve the best business performance for the organizations. According to Burn and Martinsons (1997); Ho (1992); Wiseman (cited in Henry and Pun (2000), stated that it is possible to accomplish the competitiveness of companies by using new opportunities which offered to the firm by strategic information systems. Buhalis (2004), has mentioned in his research paper about e-airlines, that airlines have been investing heavily for Information Communication Technology since the 1950s and they have used the IS/IT as a competitive tool to achieve their business targets. Also he has mentioned some examples that, in 1962, the American Airlines introduced its SABER computer reservation systems as an alternative solution for their previous manual data entering system expanding its Boeing fleet by 50%. According to the website, with the huge business growth the IS/IT has given more impact to those businesses and mean while there is a huge development in IS/IT systems. Strategic planning helps the organizations to identify their IS application and its Information Technology which support to gain the competitive advantage over other competitors. Strategic planning is a tool which support for the organizing part for the present on the basis of the projections of the desired future. Information technologies are increasingly regarded as strategic resources of an organization. Indeed it is a potential use of IS/IT as a competitive weapon has become a popular clichà ©. Also the Management play an important part of an organization. Its main role is to unite people together in order to accomplish achievable goals. Management mobilize or allocate resources to different department like Human resource, Finance, IT department, etc. and organize these resources in such a way that organizational strategic goals are accomplished easily in the long run. Management also takes vital part in planning, organizing, leading and controlling. It gives direction, aligns and achieves organization goals with available resources. As shown in the website, there are three different types of levels available in management hierarchy. Those are categorized as strategic, tactical and operational. To get the maximum benefit out of the company business intelligence, the organization needs to have all three levels strategic, tactical and operational working in conjunction with one another. According to Steiner (1979), in the role of management scenario, mainly the strategic level is more important and it is the highest level and usually done by senior management level. Basically the decisions on the objectives, committing money, employee and time are done within this strategic level. Tactical planning level it does the implementation of the strategic plan stages such as combine the available resources and review alternatives. Within the operational level, it is much more detailed of strategic and tactical levels. In this level the managers chosen to work the plan develop a specific plan to execute the strategic plan. Therefore the management role and the IS/IT strategies are playing a huge role to gain the competitive advantage. As stated in Srilankan Airlines annual report (2009), their IT division involving and giving huge support role to all departments in the Srilankan Airline during a year of multiple changes. Srilanka Airlines IT department is an independent department within the organization. Therefore it is an entity as a part of the process to align all divisions with the corporate strategy in an IT perspective and it is helping the entire organization to benefit from modern technology and improve their processes and productivity while gaining competitive advantage. However according to Porter (Cited in Clarke 2001) p.114, mentioned that, he has proposed to gain the competitive advantage; the firm must be based on one of three generic strategies. Those are categorized as differentiation, cost leadership and the focus. Considering the Porters differentiation strategy, the Srilankan Airlines has provided greater customer convenience through check-in facilities on mobiles was completed. This mobile fac ility is mainly focuses on the Srilankan Airlines customers. Comparing with other airlines, the Srilankan Airline has been using the differentiation strategy in their organization. Therefore further investigation is required to identify whether the role of management involvement is really beneficial to achieve the competitive advantage using IS/IT or not. Considering all these general factors which mentioned in the above paragraphs, it is clear that role of management involvement and IS/IT involvement are the main key factors of gaining competitive advantage for any organization. Therefore this research is carried out to find whether the same concepts which have been described in above paragraphs can apply to the Srilankan Airlines to achieve competitive advantage while comparing with the general findings. 6.0 Literature Review 6.1 Introduction IS/IT have revolutionized the entire business world. So far the organizations derive the competitive advantage applying technology to their industry. Mostly the competency will be changeable among the competitors base on their IT usage and the involvement of role of management. The airline industry in particular has fostered a dependency on IS/IT for their operational and strategic management. Airlines were early adopters of Information Systems Information Technology and have a long history of technological innovation, in comparison to many other business industries. (Buhalis 2004). IT applications are mostly used to help organizations to its day to day work and to gain competitive advantage while reducing competitive disadvantage and to meet other business objectives which organizations need. Following sections describe about what is competitive advantage and how the organizations achieve competitive advantage using IS/IT with involvement of management roles. 6.2 Competitive Advantage As stated in web site, if a company probably able to make a profit in excess of its cost of capital, because it has achieved a competitive position which offers some of and edge over its potential rivals. To achieve such a competitive edge, it typically takes the formulation and execution of business strategy. To develop a competitive advantage, the company must possess value creating activities which cannot be duplicated by any other organization. According to Day and Wensley (cited in website 2010), mentioned that two sets of sources are there which involved in creating competitive advantage. Those two are categorized as superior skills and superior resources. As proposed by Porter (1985), that to gain the competitive advantage, the firm must be based on one of three generic strategies. Those are categorized as differentiation, cost leadership and the focus. The differentiation means that whatever the product should be different from other vendors and the cost leadership makes firm to produce the products in lower cost. This will help to increase the profit margins to the firm. Focus means that the firms must concentrate about the present market and need to identify where are they comparing to other vendors and finally based on the calculation they must perform better than other competitors using their skills and knowledge. In some other way Treacy and Wiersema (1995), proposed another popular generic framework for gaining competitive advantage. Within this framework, a firm typically will choose to emphasize one of three value disciplines: product leadership, operational excellence, and customer intimacy. Operational Excellence As suggested by Ward and Peppard (2002, p.112), Operational Excellence means enabling products and services to be obtained reliably, easily and cost-effective by customers. With this competency-based strategy it implies a business strategy which can do better improvement to the organization than other competitors and be able to deliver both cost-effective and reliable quality of customer contentment. Product Leadership Further to Ward and Peppard (2002, p.114), product leadership means continuing product innovation meeting customers needs. This strategy implies not only creativity in developing new products and enhancing existing ones, but also astute market knowledge to ensure that they sell. Customer Intimacy It has been argued (Ward and Peppard 2002, p.113), that the Customer Intimacy indicates targeting markets very precisely and tailoring products and services to the needs of particular customer groups. The purpose of here is not just to satisfy but to please customers by understanding their needs and meeting them on every occasion. This can be obviously being expensive but it can build long-term customer loyalty. However further to Porter (1985), he has define a frame work model call Five Forces diagram which capture the main idea of porters theory of competitive advantage. The five forces model defines the rules of any kind of competition in any industry. Further to Porter, these five forces determine industry profitability. Also the five forces frame work point out that what is most important and it helps organization to capture their targets for long-term advantage. The five competitive forces are typically shown in the following diagram 1.0; Diagram 1.0: Porters Five Forces Elements of Industry Structure Source: Porter, (1985), p.6 The collection of strength of the five forces can be varies from industry to industry. In the meantime the strength each of the five forces also can change. Further to Porter and Miller (1985), stated that information technology can alter the five forces to the industry attractiveness. The Five Forces framework highlights what is important and directs managers towards those aspects most important to long-term advantage of the organization. According to Porter (1985), has explained the Five Forces elements as follows; Bargaining Power of Suppliers The term suppliers comprises all sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services. There are several elements for Supplier bargaining power is likely to be high. The market is dominated by a few large suppliers rather than a fragmented source of supply, There are no substitutes for the particular input, The suppliers customers are fragmented, so their bargaining power is low, The switching costs from one supplier to another are high, There is the possibility of the supplier integrating forwards in order to obtain higher prices and margins. This threat is especially high when The buying industry has a higher profitability than the supplying industry, Forward integration provides economies of scale for the supplier, The product is undifferentiated and can be replaces by substitutes, Switching to an alternative product is relatively simple and is not related to high costs, Customers have low margins and are price sensitive, Customers could produce the product themselves, The product is not of strategically importance for the customer, Threat of New Entrants The competition in an industry will be the higher, the easier it is for other companies to enter this industry. In such a situation, new entrants could change major determinants of the market environment (e.g. market shares, prices, customer loyalty) at any time. There is always a latent pressure for reaction and adjustment for existing players in this industry. The threat of new entries will depend on the extent to which there are barriers to entry. These are typically Economies of scale (minimum size requirements for profitable operations), High initial investments and fixed costs, Cost advantages of existing players due to experience curve effects of operation with fully depreciated assets, Brand loyalty of customers Protected intellectual property like patents, licenses etc, Scarcity of important resources, e.g. qualified expert staff Access to raw materials is controlled by existing players, Distribution channels are controlled by existing players, Existing players have close customer relations, e.g. from long-term service contracts, The buying industry hinders the supplying industry in their development (e.g. reluctance to accept new releases of products), The buying industry has low barriers to entry. Bargaining Power of Customers Similarly, the bargaining power of customers determines how much customers can impose pressure on margins and volumes. Customers bargaining power is likely to be high when They buy large volumes, there is a concentration of buyers, The supplying industry comprises a large number of small operators The supplying industry operates with high fixed costs, High switching costs for customers Legislation and government action Threat of Substitutes A threat from substitutes exists if there are alternative products with lower prices of better performance parameters for the same purpose. They could potentially attract a significant proportion of market volume and hence reduce the potential sales volume for existing players. This category also relates to complementary products. Similarly to the threat of new entrants, the treat of substitutes is determined by factors like Brand loyalty of customers, Close customer relationships, Switching costs for customers, The relative price for performance of substitutes, Current trends. Competitive Rivalry between Existing Players This force describes the intensity of competition between existing players (companies) in an industry. High competitive pressure results in pressure on prices, margins, and hence, on profitability for every single company in the industry. Competition between existing players is likely to be high when There are many players of about the same size, Players have similar strategies There is not much differentiation between players and their products, hence, there is much price competition Low market growth rates (growth of a particular company is possible only at the expense of a competitor), Barriers for exit are high (e.g. expensive and highly specialized equipment). Above mentioned forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. At the primary level, firms create competitive advantage by perceiving or discovering new and better ways to compete in an industry and bringing them to market, which is ultimately an act of innovation. Innovations shift competitive advantage when rivals either fail to perceive the new way of competing to respond. There can be significant advantages to early movers responding to innovations, particularly in industries with significant economies of scale or when customers are more concerned about switching suppliers. Some of the typical causes of innovations which shift competitive advantage are categorised as follows: new technologies new or shifting buyer needs the emergence of a new industry segment shifting input costs or availability changes in government regulations Over the past two decades, researches have proposed several strategic frameworks to identify the IT applications that are likely to provide competitive advantage. It is important to identify the difference between IS, IT and information and the generic benefits of IS/IT as well. Therefor the following will discuss about the IS/IT strategies and how it beneficial for the business sector. 6.3 IS/IT Strategies It has been argued by Clarke (2001), p.115, that informations passes in-between individuals and groups with a given social environment. Information systems may identify as a system which supports and enable to pass within the specific environment. Distinguish between IS, IT and informations and the way its link with each other is showing in the following figure 1.1. Information Support Information Systems Enables Information Technology Figure: 1.1 The Nature of Information Technology, Information Systems and Information Source: Clarke (2001), p.116 There are several benefits which can be gained from IS/IT. According to Farbey (cited in Ward and Danniel, 2006), stated that there are five elements included in the organizational structure. Following table 1.2 shows the five elements of and organization and its description. Organizational Structure Elements Description Strategic Includes people charged with overall responsibility for the organizations direction Management Includes middle managers who operate in order to transform the strategic vision into operational reality Operational Refers to people who perform work related directly to the production of products and services Functional Includes people who serve the organization by affecting others work Support Includes people who provide support for the organization outside the basic production of goods or services. These are often specialist in certain disciplines. Table: 1.2 The five elements of an organization Source: Ward and Daniel (2006), p. 7 However table 1.2 shows that there is significant numbers of benefits can apply to the management and to the organization which helps to gain the significant development. As argued by Ward and Daniel (2006), the strategic benefits are more involved in business organizations development and to develop a new business models where IS/IT play a main role. As stated by Ferbey et al. (cited in Ward and Daniel 2006), the term of management describe about the activities of middle management in an organization. These manager levels operate business unit levels and take decision making and also responsible for the development of their staff members. Further to Farbey et al. (cited in Ward and Daniel 2006), the operation benefits are classifieds in to goods and services which any firm provides. The main target is to get a worthy output which is differentiating from other vendors. While having a good operational benefits and giving it to the customers, the company can gain more benefits while ga ining competitive advantage. Also in functional and support benefits, it identifies certain activities which are support for the core activities which relate to company production of the goods and services. At the level of strategy implementation, the firms perform discrete activities conceiving new ways to conduct activities, employing new procedures, new technologies, or different inputs. As suggested by Porter (1980), the value chain is a systematic way of examining all the activities a firm performs and how they interact. It scrutinizes each of the activities of the firm (e.g. development, marketing, sales, operations, etc.) as a potential source of advantage. The value chain maps a firm into its strategically relevant activities in order to understand the behaviour of costs and the existing and potential sources of differentiation. All the activities in the value chain contribute to buyer value, and the cumulative costs in the chain will determine the difference between the buyer value and producer cost. A firm gains competitive advantage by performing these strategically important activities more cheaply or better than its competitors. One of the reasons the value chain framework is helpful is because it emphasizes that competitive advantage can come from anywhere along the value chain. It is important to understand that how a firm fits into the overall value system and it should include the value chains of its suppliers, channels, and buyers. Porter (1996) builds on his ideas of generic strategy and the value chain to describe about the strategy implementation in more detail. Competitive advantage requires that the firms value chain be managed as a system. Positioning choices determine not only which activities a company will perform and how it will configure individual activities, but also how they relate to one another. This is crucial, since the essence of implementing strategy is in the activities choosing to perform different activities than rivals. A firm is more than the sum of its activities. Further to Porter (1996), a firms value chain is an interdependent system or network of activities which has connected by linkages. Linkages create trade-offs requiring optimization and coordination. Porter (1986), has describes three choices of strategic position that influence the configuration of a firms activities: Variety-based positioning based on producing a subset of an industrys products or services; involves choice of product or service varieties rather than customer segments. Makes economic sense when a company can produce particular products or services using distinctive sets of activities. (i.e. Jiffy Lube for auto lubricants only) Needs-based positioning similar to traditional targeting of customer segments. Arises when there are groups of customers with differing needs, and when a tailored set of activities can serve those needs best. (i.e. Ikea to meet all the home furnishing needs of a certain segment of customers) Access-based positioning segmenting by customers who have the same needs, but the best configuration of activities to reach them is different. (i.e. Carmike Cinemas for theatres in small towns) Porters major contribution with activity mapping is to help explain how different strategies, or positions, can be implemented in practice. The key to successful implementation of strategy, he says, is in combining activities into a consistent fit with each other. A companys strategic position, then, is contained within a set of tailored activities designed to deliver it. The activities are tightly linked to each other, as shown by a 1.3 diagram of sorts. Fit locks out competitors by creating a chain that is as strong as its strongest link. If competitive advantage grows out of the entire system of activities, then competitors must match each activity to get the benefit of the whole system. Figure 1.3 Activity Map Source: Porter, Harvard Business Review (1996) Porter defines three types of fit: simple consistency first order fit between each activity and the overall strategy reinforcing second order fit in which distinct activities reinforce each other Optimization of effort coordination and information exchange across activities to eliminate redundancy and wasted effort. To manage all these IS/IT strategies within the organizations and to achieve the competitive advantage, the management roles are also playing a huge role within the organization. The following section will talk about the levels of Management roles and how it supports to gain the competitive advantage for the organization. 6.4 The Role of Management To achieve the competitive advantage, the Management levels also contribute hugely. Efficient IS/IT systems enables management to co-ordinate, organise and to control with a good plan. It gives information needed for strategic planning and for day to day operations. Therefore senior executives, strategic planners and information system managers are increasingly looking forward to get the use of IS/IT to achieve the competitive advantage. To prove this, there are several explanations in recent trends. Bakok and Treacy (1986), has identified that the underutilization of IS/IT as a serious problem for both IS/IT and for organization business managers. The main reason to narrow down to the IS/IT base competitive advantage are senior managements ignorance of IS/IT and its potential use and the poor communications among the groups who deals with IS/IT and the rest of the business teams. Also the resistance to change among both IS/IT and business personal and a lack of focus about the oppor tunities are some serious reasons which organizations are facing. According to White (2009), there are three different of management levels are included within the management hierarchy. These different levels are categorized as strategic, tactical and operational. According to web site, when in a strategic level, organisations must manage total demand whilst they acquire new infrastructure, technology or skills. At the tactical level the aim is align resources to enhance customer value in the most profitable way. Operational level, the management aims to provide reliable delivery performance within supply constraints. Getting the balance right between strategic, tactical and operational decisions will have any business powering ahead. According to Gerber (1995), strategic decisions play a biggest role in the business. Its decisions focus typically external to the business oriented and its decision making create forward thrust in the business. This strategic business will include the following points. What business are you in? What is your vision for the business? Whats your business identity? What do you stand for? Which direction is the business headed? How will the business compete? Also Gluck, Kaufman and Walleck (1982), have suggested that strategic management in most companies evolves along similar lines, by varying rates of progress from the basic financial up to overall strategic management framework. Also the strategic decisions force management to access the consequences of present decisions and do the changes as needed and to lead company to achieve it targets. The second major role is the tactical decisions. This involves the establishment of key initiatives of the overall strategy. Further to Gerber some examples we can take as, if organization decided to be the number one provider among the business competitors, then the organization must develop tactics such as implement a marketing system to achieve that outcome. This tactical decision is the domain of any business mission. Further to Gerber (1995), the next level is the operational decisions which determine how activities actually get done. This decision is mainly about who is going to do what and when. This will include the following terms: How will Organization spend their money this month? How will the company service that client? What is companies procedure for delivering an order? Who will be doing quality control? If an organization is making decisions involving process and procedures, then these can identified as an operational decisions. Specially operational decisions are made in real time and make quick adjustment to achieve the desired outcome. Also according to Abdi and Sharma (2007), stated that strategic and tactical management roles are playing huge role within the flight operation handling while using information systems. When we consider such an operation, there cant be any small mistake. Even a one wrong decision will lead to a huge problem in airline industry. Therefore it is very clear that the management decisions are very important when organization deals with IS/IT. As stated by Boseman, Phatak and Schellenberger (cited in Vardrajan Clark 2002), management roles are process with concerned with determining the future direction of an organization and implementing decisions based on the aim to achieve organization long and short term objectives. Within every firm the nature of control changes with the level of management. Top level management is mainly concerned about the issues which relate to strategic control. The lower level management is look after the operational issues. 7.0 Methodology The following sections present research methods that are using for this research project. 7.1 Selection of an appropriate research method(s) Following sections present a brief description of few research methods. Also this section explains the reasons to select those methods for this research project. 7.1.1 Description of Research Methods Case Study Research: According to researcher Yin (1984, p. 23), the Case study research method is defined as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. Also the case study includes observations, questionnaires. Also each organization has unique feature and mainly the Case studies are used to identify such features and to show how they affect the implementation of systems and how it influences the organizations. Action research: According Emroy (1980), mentioned that, like Action research methodology is mainly need to be flexible and adaptable due to disruption in the plan and may not meet the needs of everyone involved. Also it is not well known or accepted in computing and information systems. Survey Research: This method is used by the researchers when they want to gather data from some occurrence which is not possible to perform a direct observation. Experimental Research: When we consider the Experimental Method, it is mostly depend on the experiments on a new technique or approach and have to compare the results against those obtained using the generally accepted technique or approach. Therefor it seems this research method takes more time and the results will vary with each organization (Emroy 1980). 7.1.2 Proposed Research Method(s) for this study Matching the above mentioned attributes of the research methods with this research project, case study is the best research method that can be used. Primary and secondary data has to be used for this research project. Secondary data will be used get the theoretical aspects of role of management and